"Celebrate Marriage as God Intended!"
July 7, 2023, 1:51 PM

Celebrate Marriage as God Intended

The Rev. Lou Tiscione, Pastor, Weatherford Presbyterian Church (PCA)


God ordained marriage in the Garden. He gave mankind the basic unit of society. From that time, it has been under attack by those who seek to usurp God’s authority. In recent times, the highest court of the land redefined marriage to include the unions of men with men and women with women. Many were shocked that men would demonstrate such hubris as to redefine what God ordained.


God defined marriage as the covenantal union of a man and a woman. The word “marriage” is understood precisely as God intended. No matter if one is an officer of the court or a legislator, he does not have the authority to change the meaning of what God has ordained, namely marriage.


Words have meaning and if we change the meaning of words to suit whatever agenda is current, our ability to communicate will end. But the state of marriage in our day is even more significant than changing the meaning of the word. The most fundamental pillar of every society is the family. The bond ordained by God is His ordination of marriage and it is the basic unit of an orderly society.


I’ve heard that some so-called church leaders have insisted that the church needs to prepare to accept a re-defined understanding of marriage. Yet, it is the church, which is called by her Lord Jesus to stand for the truth. He is the truth. He has revealed the truth in words. We have God’s word written, inerrant and infallible, under which we are to live.


The Scriptures teach what God has said. So, what do the Scriptures teach concerning marriage?


Our church’s marriage ceremony, which is reflective of orthodoxy, states the following: “Marriage was instituted by God Himself in the time of man’s innocency and uprightness. The Lord God said, ’It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him’ (Genesis 2:18). Thereupon, God created woman of man’s own substance and brought her to the man.”


One of the greatest understatements recorded in Scripture was in the Garden. Adam said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23). God declared everything to be “very good” after this great creative act. Adam was overwhelmed by the wisdom of God in providing a “helpmeet” for him who was the perfect complement, the perfect partner.


Further, God said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Jesus quoted this passage from Genesis and added, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6).


As further emphasis the Apostle Paul wrote that the marriage of a man to a woman models the relationship of Christ with His church (Ephesians 5:32).


Therefore we humbly receive God’s definition of marriage. Marriage is the covenantal union of one man with one woman. God’s great wisdom gave mankind the covenant of marriage as the most fundamental human relationship. It forms the basis of every culture. Marriage is the foundation of our society. The challenges against traditional marriage demonstrate rebellion against God. Our culture’s re-definition of marriage testifies to man’s moral depravity which has continued since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden (Genesis 3).


Our society has redefined marriage and will continue to reap destruction as a result. The current law surrounding the redefinition of marriage is not Godly, moral, or truly marriage. Psalm 2:4 declares God’s view of man’s attempts to usurp His authority. “He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.” The God- instituted covenant of marriage will remain as the union of one man with one woman. Observers of the culture wars have stated that the breakdown of traditional marriage and the family are seen to be the root cause of many of our societal ills.


Marriage is not an issue of equal rights but of revealed truth! I urge all who call upon the name of the Lord to speak up for the sanctity of marriage as defined by God. Pray for God’s protection for our marriages. As my wife and I anticipate celebrating 50 years together as husband and wife, we are in awe of God’s many blessings in our marriage! May we all celebrate God’s blessing in ordaining the union of one man and one woman. Celebrate marriage as God intended!